Quote of The Day

"A ship in Harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for"

- John A. Shedd

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do Things You Have Never Done Before

Wow what an exciting new experience! That was sweet!!! Are almost always the comments you hear from someone who just tried something new. It is within scripture, and noted by men and women who are great at giving cool quotes, that trying new things is actually not as scary as it seems. Sure maybe sky diving is not the first appraoch you want to take, but try something. Most often when you do you not only have a cool experience, but you gain experience. It is so awesome. I just experienced this while up here at BYU Idaho. I have taken leaps into "dark places" where i can't always see the outcome. In return i have had a greater benefit. think of a really good friend, or one of your most memorable experiences, it probably fits into this category of something new you have never done before, now think, What if you never took the step and tried that new thing. You probably would not have met that friend, or had such an amazing experience. Think about it, and have fun!!!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Steps of Action

People have an idea that big leaps brings big success. in my younger years, i was taught to play piano. It was so much fun in my teenage years to be creative, and to do fun stuff on the piano. There were times, when I would want to learn a new song. I loved playing modern music. My mind was set on playing it the way I heard it on the radio or on a CD. I would attempt to just jump in and play it, and expect to play it right. as i have "grown up" I have  realized that big accomplishments don't come all at once. I have learned to practice more then just once a week. I have had great success in my playing and learning very difficult songs by taking steps, and achieving little successes. Remember, when trying to accomplish big goals or goals in general, Take little steps, make little checkpoints, and then you will see success. For example if you were to set a goal of waking up early every day. Start by doing it for one day, and then two, and three and so on. It is alot more fun, difficult, and rewarding that way. Have fun and Good luck!!!!! 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Take advantage of new situations

Today was an interesting and exciting day to live. It was hard, but fun. i just moved up to school at BYU Idaho. A college in Rexburg, Idaho. Wow. This is a very new experience for me, but i decided to make the best of it. I have met new people that i haven't ever known before. Now we are all laughing together. It is really cool. Take advantage of new situations. Vince Poscente talks about getting out of our comfort zone brings new opportunities and changed lives for those who do step away from the warm fuzzy environment of  "safety, in his book IncVinceable Principles. I am grateful for this new opportunity, and the fun I have had already. Remember to take a step in the dark sometimes, you might see something good you would never seen.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Keith = Happy

I have learned from a very amazing man. That life is good. As my friend here has faced cancer and surgery many times, and with losing his wife you would think that he would be down and depressed, instead when I first started going to visit him in his home, he showed me his plaque from the optimists international club naming 10 things to help you be positive, and telling me He is the luckiest guy in the World!!!! This man rocks. He has always brightened my life in some way. He is the best example i know of giving gratitude even in trials, and having faith. I love him. He is one of my best friends!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Remember to serve!

Always remember to serve!


Well i have got a little bit more of a hang of things on this blog so here is the first bit of good info, food for the soul, and inspiration. i hope you enjoy.

"God uses faith to mold your character, character is the manifestation of what you are becoming, strong character results from consistent correct choices, the bedrock of character is integrity, the more your character us fortified, the more enabled you are to exercise the power of faith.
                                                        -Elder Richard G. Scott of the council of the Twelve Apostles of the                                                                  
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. This was from a talk he gave entitled "The Transforming Power of Faith and Character" at the 180th annual general conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in October 2010.http://new.lds.org/general-conference/sessions?lang=eng&bcpid=610705729001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAD5C7cik~,NkEKrBzbuXJBcGJrgsDFjLEiJ-nXhUBl&bctid=623541048001

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Another exciting Day!!

I am having a great day. It has been fun experiencing Christmas with my family. It is a very cool time of year. I hope you have a wonderful day and a happy christmas eve tomorrow.