Quote of The Day

"A ship in Harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for"

- John A. Shedd

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Do Things You Have Never Done Before

Wow what an exciting new experience! That was sweet!!! Are almost always the comments you hear from someone who just tried something new. It is within scripture, and noted by men and women who are great at giving cool quotes, that trying new things is actually not as scary as it seems. Sure maybe sky diving is not the first appraoch you want to take, but try something. Most often when you do you not only have a cool experience, but you gain experience. It is so awesome. I just experienced this while up here at BYU Idaho. I have taken leaps into "dark places" where i can't always see the outcome. In return i have had a greater benefit. think of a really good friend, or one of your most memorable experiences, it probably fits into this category of something new you have never done before, now think, What if you never took the step and tried that new thing. You probably would not have met that friend, or had such an amazing experience. Think about it, and have fun!!!

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