Quote of The Day

"A ship in Harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for"

- John A. Shedd

Friday, January 7, 2011

Steps of Action

People have an idea that big leaps brings big success. in my younger years, i was taught to play piano. It was so much fun in my teenage years to be creative, and to do fun stuff on the piano. There were times, when I would want to learn a new song. I loved playing modern music. My mind was set on playing it the way I heard it on the radio or on a CD. I would attempt to just jump in and play it, and expect to play it right. as i have "grown up" I have  realized that big accomplishments don't come all at once. I have learned to practice more then just once a week. I have had great success in my playing and learning very difficult songs by taking steps, and achieving little successes. Remember, when trying to accomplish big goals or goals in general, Take little steps, make little checkpoints, and then you will see success. For example if you were to set a goal of waking up early every day. Start by doing it for one day, and then two, and three and so on. It is alot more fun, difficult, and rewarding that way. Have fun and Good luck!!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this post! It is something that I needed to hear right now. I think of the scripture, "...by small and simple things are great things brought to pass." How refreshing it is to get back to the sweet and simple truths in life!
