Quote of The Day

"A ship in Harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for"

- John A. Shedd

Friday, December 24, 2010


Well i have got a little bit more of a hang of things on this blog so here is the first bit of good info, food for the soul, and inspiration. i hope you enjoy.

"God uses faith to mold your character, character is the manifestation of what you are becoming, strong character results from consistent correct choices, the bedrock of character is integrity, the more your character us fortified, the more enabled you are to exercise the power of faith.
                                                        -Elder Richard G. Scott of the council of the Twelve Apostles of the                                                                  
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- Day Saints. This was from a talk he gave entitled "The Transforming Power of Faith and Character" at the 180th annual general conference of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in October 2010.http://new.lds.org/general-conference/sessions?lang=eng&bcpid=610705729001&bckey=AQ~~,AAAAD5C7cik~,NkEKrBzbuXJBcGJrgsDFjLEiJ-nXhUBl&bctid=623541048001

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